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Dr Brendan Joss

B.Sc (Hons), PhD, AEP, ESSAF


Managing Director
& Senior Exercise Physiologist


Special Interest Areas

Arthritis and joint replacement

Knee pain – patellofemoral joint pain

Gluteal tendinopathies

Gait retraining

Hip and back pain

Painful total knee replacement


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Brendan started his career as an Exercise Physiologist to combine his love of sport and exercise with a passion for medicine. He completed his Honours in Exercise Rehabilitation in 2000, the same year he began as an Exercise Physiologist at HFRC.


Through his desire to provide improved treatment to orthopaedic patients, Brendan completed a PhD in joint replacement rehabilitation in 2006. Following this, he travelled to Canada to complete a Post-doctoral research fellowship at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario.


On his return to Perth, Brendan continued his work at HFRC as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist providing exercise-based programs to optimise physical function without aggravating pain around the affected joint. He also brings his passion for education to his treatments saying “the most powerful thing I can do is to teach you what to do, and why you are doing it to ensure you have the skills to self-manage into the future.” Brendan also holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at the University of Western Australia for sessional lecturing and research.


Since 2008, Brendan has been the Managing Director at HFRC, providing passionate leadership to the best team in the country. “This enables us to give our patients the best possible outcome after injury or surgery”. Brendan is also a Director at Exercise and Sports Science Australia and is recognised nationally as a leader in Exercise Physiology practice.


When not working, Brendan enjoys time with his wife and his two young boys, playing hockey and running.

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