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Your Health is our focus

We help your body Function efficiently

Orthopaedic Rehabilitation pre- or post-surgery

Provided with the utmost Care

Our expert team of allied
health professionals and clinical researchers prescribe the latest treatment programs so you can move better, with less pain to get more out of life.

How we help

Our expert team of Exercise Physiologists are here to help you reduce your pain, improve your physical function...

Hydrotherapy is water-based exercises conducted in a purpose-built pool with water temperature is maintained between 34° - 36°C...

Physiotherapists have a particular expertise in diagnosing the cause of your pain, symptoms and movement issues...

Joint and soft tissue injuries are complex in nature, and often best managed by a multidisciplinary approach to treatment...

Our expert team is regularly on the road, providing services in the comfort and convenience of your own home...

If you have a heart condition, heart disease or at risk you need regular physical activity as much as anyone else...

Understanding metabolism is the key to your health, weight management, diabetes control and well-being...

Ergonomic assessments
help companies identify
and control injury risk and expert reports and opinions for common law claims for damages... 


One of the best-equipped Exercise Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy clinics in Western Australia, specifically designed for the optimal treatment of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions. Featuring a purpose-built gym, private treatment rooms for Physiotherapy and Massage, pilates reformers in a bright spacious environment overlooking the Nedlands Rose Garden. 


We also have clinics Murdoch and Como for Exercise Physiology services.

old guy in gym.jpg


At HFRC, we love to share our expertise and experience to increase knowledge and allow you to make informed decisions about your treatment options. Check out our education page including detailed seminar recordings and education documents on a range of conditions our expert team can help you manage. 

Centre of Excellence for
Musculoskeletal Research

‘We are committed to improving healthcare in the community through innovation and research. The HFRC Centre of Excellence for musculoskeletal health conducts world class research into the optimal treatment and rehabilitation for orthopaedic conditions and surgical procedures to improve patient outcomes.’

Doctor and Patient


HFRC accepts all referral types including:

- GP Management Plans / Team Care Arrangement

- Diabetes Care Plan

- Workers Compensation

- Motor Vehicle Accident

- Department of Veterans’ affairs

For private referrals, please feel free to use our online referral form.

Contact us

Visit, call or send us a message
to book your appointment

Nedlands Clinic (Exercise Physiology, Physio, Massage)

117 Stirling Hwy Nedlands WA 6009

T (08) 9386 9961 F (08) 9386 2674​

Mon – Friday: 6am till 6:30pm

Saturday: 8am till 1pm


Murdoch Clinic (Exercise Physiology)

Murdoch University, Entrance B

Building 415, 90 South Street Murdoch

Mon - Friday: 8am till 2pm


Como Clinic (Exercise Physiology)

Collier Pavilion, 191 Thelma Street Como

Mon - Fri. 8am to 11am 


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Copyright HFRC 2024

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